IT Help Desk Technician Salaries

  • Stefanini IT Help Desk Technician pay rates - 4 pay rates reported $14/hr
  • Freedom University IT Help Desk Technician pay rates - 4 pay rates reported $36,377/yr
  • US Army IT Help Desk Technician pay rates - 4 pay rates reported 46,733/yr

Help Desk Salary Information

Notice the compensation data below. You can see that help desk positions start off on the lower side of IT salary benefits, yet you work yourself up to management and director status and your compensation improves. You can hope to begin at about $36,000 per year. This is the average beginning IT help desk technician salaries.

As you get more experience, you can see that compensations increment up to $82,000 per year. The average compensation for most help desk occupations is about $40,000 per year. You can see from the picture beneath that administration makes the most with telecom experts making the next highest sum. A support rep makes about $30,000 per year and a senior help desk tech makes about $56,000 per year.

The help desk job outlook is generally excellent considering most tech organizations need some kind of help desk supporting for internal representatives as well as help for an organization's products.

Since these positions are a good beginning place for most tech occupations and are filled by many graduates, help desk occupations top off quick. The A+ and N+ certifications can enormously help when you want to beat over other candidates and will also build your beginning compensation.


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